Adam Lambert, of American Idol and boys kissing boys glory released the cover art for his highly anticipated album, "For Your Entertainment."
I don't know about you guys, but this cover reminds me of the many wrongs of the 80's. Lambert says he knows that the cover is ridiculous (and I couldn't agree more.) While I do appreciate his nod to cheesy glam and the trashiness of it all, but the cover's poor photoshop makes it look like my twelve year old sister could have done it. Not that glamorous.
Some fans apparently "don't get" Lambert's decidedly campy genuis, Lambert wrote on his twitter en quote:
"Thank you to those who appreciate and understand that the album cover is deliberately campy. It's an homage to the past. It IS ridiculous. For those that don't get it: oh well. Glad to have gotten your attention." He closed with, "Androgyny. Rock n roll."
To be fair, it's not his fault. American Idol covers are pretty much the cheesiest, bland, misguided covers in the bunch. Lambert has a great glam face, if he wanted to pay homage to the glam rock era of a time gone by, he should have went for it.
My remedy: Ditch the horrid graphics, hire Marilyn Minter and let the sexiness begin.
Grade: C