I knew there was a reason I strongly disliked John Mayer.
As being reported on several blogs, Mayer, known for his soft-rock good guy image or used to be good guy image....has royally doubled himself over.
Mayer, in an interview with Playboy likened his man parts to a white supremacist, claimed to have understood the African American experience. Mayer who has also claimed to have a "Benneton Heart," as well as saying this nugget of thought provoking wisdom:
"[It’s] taking something that’s seen as a struggle and making it work for you, or you’ll die inside. Not to say that my struggle is like the collective struggle of black America. But maybe my struggle is similar to one black dude’s.”
Uh, did I miss something? John Mayer, you can't speak for someone just because you're friends with someone who is black. You can't understand an experience that "is seen as a struggle" primarily because your struggle will forever be nothing like it, unless you wake up as a black man one morning.
Honestly, I don't care that he does not really find black women attractive, because it's not that important. More on point, John Mayer is just a douche to *all* women, regardless of color. :rolls eyes:
Mayer in the interview further went on to drop the N-word bomb and just bury himself in stupidity.
What's fascinating is that, in 2010 stuff like this makes headline. People are always gabbing how we have moved past race, that we are transcending race, and we're even 'post racial.' But we're not, it's not a colorblind society, people see difference, the problem is not with acknowledging these differences but with seeing this difference as something more than just a difference.
Also on the same token, who knows what the context of what he really wanted to say, sex and race are loaded words in America and the two can lead to combustion. Mayer is probably speaking for some people who don't know any better, or never tried to understand past a superficial level. I won't get into the myriad of things wrong with the interview, but hopefully for the sake of him not losing some of his fans that are african-american, I hope he can make some type of atonement.
John Mayer, I'm calling BIG SHENNANATICS on you, if you want to make it up to everyone in America, go read The Portable Cornel West.