Dennis Hopper passes away over the weekend losing his battle to Pancreatic Cancer....Lindsay Lohan is in court again for cocaine posession dude, she's guilty...Alicia Keys is having a baby and engaged to uber producer Swizz Beats...Britney Spears beats Twitter record by having 5 million followers (I'm one of them!)...Danicka Patrick is top trending item on Yahoo!....No one cares THAT much about Jake Gylenhaal as the Prince of Persia (it's the hair folks, it's the hair)...SATC2 raking in major moolah at the box office apparently the photoshopped billboards worked after all...Lakers win some game you might have seen the craziness over the weekend...Memorial Day Weekend HOORAY...Ann Curry slips up on national television...Fergie the actual Duchess and not of the black eyed peas offers a very vague bribe..
That almost covers all of it.
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