Thursday, March 31, 2011

How to save a life....don't threaten it in the first place.

I wanna sock Shonda Rhimes in the face.

Tonight marks what might possibly be the last episode of Greys Anatomy that I watch. In a genius effort for creative expression, writers for the show have decided to create Grey's Anatomy: The Music Event. They probably see this as a challenge. With seven seasons under their belt it is probably exhausting to think up new drama for Seattle Grace. But seriously, a musical?

Not only that, your threatening the life of one of the most popular characters and her unborn child? What is your childhood trauma Rhimes!?

Now, I can get over Izzy leaving. I can reconcile the hospital shooting, Mark and Lexie's on-again-off-again relationship, Meredith and Derek's baby drama, I can even, although not completly, ignore the fact that you killed George freakin O'Malley (I can never forgive them though). But if Callie and the baby die? There is no dealing with that. The only thing worse than what your proposing is if something happened to Dr. Bailey (and don't you even think about it).

The new episode "Song Beneath the Song" airs on ABC tonight

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

For shame Google

Today is Dr. Seuss's 107th birthday. If I had known earlier I would have celebrated. I'm talking the whole enchilada, reading The Cat in the Hat (but not when he comes back), watching The Lorax and making some Green Eggs and Ham. I can only blame Google front page and On This Day... from Britannica for so long until I think of how lazy we all have become when it comes to remembering important dates.

Born Theodor Seuss Geisel, Dr. Seuss published 44 books for children including One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish, There's a Wocket in my Pocket, Bartholomew and the Oobleck, Horton Hears a Who, and Hop on Pop among others.

So here it is for one of our favorite Doctors, Happy Birthday!