Sunday, January 20, 2013

That akward moment when you realize you have nothing to say...yeah

I have been avoiding writing this.

So I know I said that I'd be writing up a list of what I am excited about in the upcoming year and I have been trying. But (there is always a but) I am not all that impressed with the upcoming state of pop culture at the moment.

At least until now.

The only thing that has peaked my interest as of late is the trailer for Warm Bodies which will be hitting the theaters Feb. 1. I just found out it is a book so I am hoping to find a copy to read before I go see the film. I make no promises of a review but I'll think about it (This harkens back to my feelings of critics living outside the moment).

Still working out the crap computer stitch but here is a link to IMDB's Warm Bodies page.