Thursday, March 4, 2010

ABDC Lady Gaga Edition

Watching America's Best Dance Crew on MTV right now. I've been watching this show since it first started, and every season I utter the words "This show is dirty."

Not dirty in the way that it's filthy, but the politics of the show get in the way. I can count plenty of times when less than stellar crews were allowed to stay while awesome, unbelievable groups had to watch their banners fall. The show can never be completely fair as it is a show that places a lot of responsibility in the fans hands.

So far the show is okay, with a couple of stand out performances. I think the main reason why it's lacking this week is because I love lady gaga as much as the next monster, but, her music is not really suited for high intense energetic crews. The choreography is just hard to interpret. Also, sometimes who ever picked the videos for the crews is definitely picking with an agenda.

I don't like hating on the crews, but Saltare needs to go home right now. It's not "America's Best Jump Rope Crew." I respect what they did on the stage, but their choreography is still in "baby" stages while everyone else is ahead. It's awesome that they have jump rope skills, but it's a dancing show. Plain and simple. That puts all the other crews at a disadvantage because they don't have a "gimmick" that they have to "overcome." Whatever. The best crew will win that is a definite.

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