Monday, December 31, 2012

The Year of No Shennantics: Get Busy Living and Responding

Happy New Year everybody!

We did a bad job of keeping this page updated and part of the problem, at least for me, was that I was too busy actually living my life to comment on it as it happened. I always feel like critics stand on the outside of life telling people what they should be experiencing. They rush into moments and spend the entire time trying to think of ways to describe it to others. It's a sad truth that I haven't accepted. But I have a plan for the coming new year and I hope you'll enjoy it.

For now though, I'd like to leave 2012 with a short list of what I actually made an impact on me this year:

(There will be no photos because my computer is evil)

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

Released back in January TFiOS is still kicking ass and taking names. It even has been listed on some of the top Best Books lists for the entire year. Not bad for a YA love story about two kids with cancer. Author John Green began this book many years ago and it is with love and patience that it grew into the heart wrenching, poignant story that it is (I've always hated book reviews with that word in it but it hits the mark perfectly). The best thing about TFiOS is that each character is fully developed and interesting, not a small task by any means. Hazel's and Augustus's parents have a realism that Green had not fully developed before in previous novels. If you don't mind crying out loud while reading please go pick up a copy (even if you don't, give it a try anyway. You won't regret it). There is currently a special edition available with a silver cover and a few extras.

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Not the book, the movie

Come on, like you didn't see that one coming? Lets keep this sweet; everything in my review of the trailer fits what I would say about the film. It is brilliant, but it took out a few things that I would have liked to see. Most notably the cutting of Charlie's sister's subplot. Watching Perks in the same theater that I used to do The Rocky Horror Picture Show was an experience that I personally will never forget and hopefully for those that saw it can build memories as exciting and infinite as Charlie and co.

The Lizzie Bennet Diaries on YouTube (

This is a modern retelling of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice set as a video blog...need I say more? Ambitious and enthralling, watching is the most fun I've had on the internet (okay, maybe not completely but it is up there!). Speculation over the big Darcy reveal was the hottest November discussion and it's only getting better. Lydia is even likable! Looking forward to the rest of the series and I highly encourage any one even remotely interested in adaptations of classic literature to check it out.

The biggest let down of the year would have to be the rescheduling Keiron Gillen's and Jamie McKevie's Phonogram: The Immaterial Girl. It was supposed to come out in November and I waited with bated breath only to be disappointed. The first issue will be released sometime next year (maybe), which leads into my most anticipated projects/releases of 2013 that I'll write sometime later this week.

I hope everyone has a Happy New Year and a year full of Shennantics ^_^ Here's to 2013!

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