Thursday, April 8, 2010

America's Best Dance Crew Finale (Live Blog)

Due to some minor technical difficulties, this post was delayed. But, we're up at it now. So real dance crews do real dance crew things, yup.

So far the show is okay, West Coast (Poereotix, Heavy Impact, Hype 5.0) did their reunion dance and it was kind of whack. Yeah, I said it. It was whack. I have a trained eye for whackness and my eye was set on that performance as it was whack. You don't have to agree and that's cool, but yeah it was definitely lackluster.

Then we had the east coast, (Static Noyze, Saltare, Blueprint Cru) and it was all over the place, with some good moments but ...still lackluster.

South crew reuniton (Jungle Boogie, Swagger Crew, Royal Flush) probably the best out of all three. It's a real travesty that Jungle Boogie didn't make it to the finals as they did deserve to be there (I blame you Saltare) and that performance really showed what America did wrong.

Then we have the performance that the two final crews did, and it was kinda...well...yawn. Season 5 in comparison to all the other seasons was very lagging, but I suppose it's because if you've seen most of the crews then you know what to expect.

And on a side note: Why is ABDC such a self-important show? All they ever talk about is ABDC history....come on it's just a dance show!

And the finale....anti-climatic.....Poreotix.....raise your hand if you knew that was going to happen.

So a cap off to the fifth season and yeah.
Honestly it's hard to say who *should* have won, because without seeing the best crews in a challenge to at least see them perform with their own audio it would be hard to tell.It would have been super cool to see what Jungle Boogie would have came up with. All I know is that Blueprint Cru should not have made it that far, but then again, ABDC is technically not about the best crew it's about the most popular crew.

Ah, Randy Jackson, do you even watch the season???
Special cupcake treat, a championship show??? Awesome.

1 comment:

  1. Jungle Boogie all the way! They totally should have made it to the finale. At least we got to see them and my other favorite crew, Static Noyze, one more time.
