Wednesday, May 12, 2010

And now we return to shennantics...

Listening to Lena Horne really, really makes you appreciate talent and skill, so it actually pains me to continue with this next review.

But, I have to do it.

So,everyone's more or less favorite Bi Sexual reality star-attention magnet-pint sized molotov cocktail Tila Tequila "Miss Tila" is back with a 3 song EP. The EP which is titled "Welcome to the Darkside," is Tila's venture into the world of pop music.

Now, don't act surprised, she actually has a couple of singles out and prior, she had released an EP called the "Sex Ep." I Know, it's so clever you wish you had thought of it.

Anyways, I'm not going to immediately write off Tila's 'efforts' at trying to release some music. Because if you look at what's getting around as pop music, literally anyone could do it.

So how does the 3 track EP hold up?
Hmm. If you're a Tila fan you're going to absolutely love it. If you're not, you probably will feel the polar opposite. Noticeably there is a cover of Depeche Mode's "Blue Dress," which makes me wonder ...did Martin Gore really allow this to happen? The cover, as cover goes is on the weak side. Tila does a decent job at trying to sound convincing but the problem here is you can't separate her public persona from any shred of vulnerability.

On the other two tracks "Walking on thin Ice," and "Get Me Off" (Seriously folks that *is* the title) Tila goes back to her "roots" and sings about sex, vulgar sex. It's one thing to be sexy, but it's quite another to leave little for the imagination. Either way, this EP is lacking on in some areas. Tila's voice is thin, credit card thin, and the obvious lack of real substance is too much to gloss over. But it's a step up from at least writing about her "stripper friends."

Rating : C-

This is the Dark Side

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